Winter is fast approaching and this means that for many people their electricity and gas bills are set to rise. Thankfully, there are some fairly simple steps that you can take in order to winter-proof your home, helping to keep costs down and in areas likely to be hit hard by the winter weather this year, to help to keep you and your family as safe as possible.

Insulate The Attic

Loft insulation is one of the easiest ways to keep the heat in your home. It is a well-known fact that warm air rises so stopping that warm air from escaping out of your roof will mean that the house itself remains warm and cosy even in the worst of the winter weather.

Double Glazing

This can be a costly suggestion to implement but it is well worth the investment. Well-fitted double-glazing will help to create a buffer of still air between your inner and outer windows, helping to keep that warm air in your house.

Clear The Gutters

Preparing Your Home For The Winter Weather 2Clearing the gutters should be done after all of the leaves on the nearby trees have fallen but before the first heavy frosts start and before the first snowfall. Clearing the leaves and debris out of gutters will ensure that they are working efficiently and will help to stop dangerous build-ups of snow on the roof by allowing melt water to drain away easily.

Close Vents

Any vents you have which leads to the outside provide an outlet to allow heat to escape. Keeping them closed will help to avoid cold draughts from getting into your house and will also keep your heated air inside.

Add An Extra Blanket

This is a very simple step that a lot of people overlook. If you are worried that one thick blanket might get too hot, then simply adding a second blanket can ensure a good night's sleep. If you feel that you have a bit of extra money to invest in keeping your bed warm at night, think about getting a good-quality electric blanket. There are few things better than getting into a bed which is already warm after you come inside from the cold.

Adjust Your Diet

Cereal and cold milk for breakfast and salads for dinner are all very well along with being healthy but they won't help to keep you warm. For the colder months, switch to porridge, soups, stews and other warming meals. If you are worried about the extra calories, don't be. Keeping warm burns a fair number and the rest can easily be worked off by clearing snow and other winter-related physical activities.

There can be no doubt that winter is a dangerous time of year for everyone, but taking a few precautions while the weather is still reasonably pleasant can make all the difference to how comfortable you find the coming winter months.

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