Construction shapes the world in which we live in and we often see different forms of construction taking place nearly every day of our lives. Construction covers a very broad spectrum and can include the installation of transport networks, commercial and residential buildings, structural repairs and development to name a few. Construction has changed dramatically over the past 50 years and it is important to look at how the evolution of construction techniques will lay the foundations for a better development over the next 50 years. We’ve put together 5 ways we expect to see the world of construction changing over the next 50 years, from breakthroughs in technology to a more economical environment we are expecting some big advances in the world of construction.

#1 3-D Printing

3-D printing could become an integral part in creating components to help build larger scale models and impressions. Architects would be able to use such technologies to create actual materials needed on the construction site to improve communication. When it comes to major development projects planning a sequence of complicated design and intricacy is usually done by a highly-skilled designer, 3-D printing technology would simplify the previously very complex process and enables easy ways to perform difficult assemblies.

#2 Drone Technology

Drones are by no means a new phenomenon but their use and technology has been constantly changing allowing multiple purposes for their usage. We imagine that drones will be a vital part of the construction industry over the next few years due to the capability they present to architects and builders. Drones will aid construction workers in collecting data, aerial photographs, executing design strategies and accurate data transmission needed by engineers. The benefit of using complex drones will help reduce downtime, accidents and enhance faster workflow at construction sites.

#3 Eco-Friendly Building

As the world’s population is increasing at an alarming rate, it’s resources are becoming insufficient to house the entire human race. This is where eco-friendly building will come to the rescue, eco-friendly building will use recycled construction material, organic paint and reclaimed timber. This form of construction work is great for the environment and is environmentally secure.

#4 Improved Robotics

Technology and engineering is evolving year on year so we expect to see some huge changes over the next 50 years in the sophistication and performance of robotics. Currently lifting heavy material over a 50-level building is not an easy task, so therefore in the upcoming years we expect to see specifically designed machinery to make this easier than ever.

#5 LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)

LIDAR uses laser technology to create special 3-D designs that construction workers need when they want a given design in construction. LIDAR also uses laser illumination to measure exact dimensions of an object or distance. LIDAR technology speeds up the time in which it takes to make complicated measurements.

To summarise the construction industry can expect to see many advances in technologies, from cutting-edge machinery to sophisticated drone technology, the construction industry will undoubtedly be very different picture in 50 years time. Where do you see the construction industry going in the next 50 years? We would love to hear your opinions, you can Tweet us here or visit our Facebook page to have your say on this topic.